Unlocking the next era of business.

Featured projects

Master Class

Transformative impact goals

Innovation Learning & Upskilling



Floke: En Tryggere By For Alle

Co-Creation & Systems Innovation



Leading the Resource Revolution

Innovation Strategy & Business Development


Orkla Home & Personal Care

Circular Service for Household Goods

Innovation Strategy & Business Development


Norwegian Top Football & United Nations

Football for the Goals

Innovation Strategy & Business Development



Floke: Byggfloken 2.0 Circular Economy for the Construction Industry

Co-Creation & Systems Innovation



Floke: Null unge utenfor - Zero Young Outcasts

Co-Creation & Systems Innovation



Floke: A Circular Construction Industry - Byggfloken

Co-Creation & Systems Innovation


Lerøy Seafood Group

How to Stay Relevant as a Seafood Pioneer

Innovation Strategy & Business Development


SpareBank 1 SMN

A More Resilient Mid-Norway

Innovation Learning & Upskilling


Øyer Municipality

Door to Door in Mountainous Landscapes

Co-Creation & Systems Innovation


ProjectMaster ClassInnovation Learning & Upskilling

Transformative impact goals

The first class of our new Master Class program have graduated and we're setting up a new class this fall. The Master Class program is designed to elevate business sustainability opportunities through strategic ups killing. The program focuses on leveraging double materiality analysis and 'Impact Goals' for strategic marked positioning and growth.

ProjectFLOKECo-Creation & Systems Innovation

Floke: En Tryggere By For Alle

Tidligere i år utfordret politiet byggherrer og arkitekter med utsagnet «slutt å bygge åsteder». Men hva skal egentlig til for å skape en så trygg by som mulig for alle? Den trygge byen er en sammensatt problemstilling, med mange elementer som avhenger av hverandre, og som ikke uten videre kan brytes opp og løses enkeltvis. Vi må se til helheten for å kunne skape nye løsninger og strategier. Det er mange løse tråder, som innovasjonsprogrammet Floke nå vil begynne å nøste i, for å finne nye svar sammen med en rekke aktører på tvers av sektorer og verdikjeder.


The Value of ESG + Innovation

EU's new sustainability regulations demands an estimated 40,000 euros minimum in annual costs. These investments can create more value for money beyond legal compliance, if done right. Here’s how.
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ProjectFLOKECo-Creation & Systems Innovation

Floke: Null unge utenfor - Zero Young Outcasts

NUU is a vision where no young person is left behind in society. It began as a part of the Utenforfloken project, where 21 organizations from the private, volunteer and public sectors worked together during 2020-2021. This effort led to ambitious goals and practical solutions for the future. To achieve these goals, we need collaboration across all sectors, focusing on preventive actions in the different areas where children and young people live their lives.